Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

Jubilation Choir

The Jubilation Choir meets Wednesday nights, September-May, at 7:00 in the balcony. Do you love to sing, but maybe are not the greatest at reading music? That’s ok! Each section-Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass-has strong singers who can lead and teach you if you are feeling out of practice and want to learn!
We sing a variety of different music, from hymn arrangements to more recent compositions. The Jubilation Choir typically sings one Sunday a month, as well as special holidays throughout the church year.
Most of all, we laugh, sing praises, and worship through the gifts our Heavenly Father has given us!

Joy Bells

The Joy Bell Choir is a group of energetic musicians that meet on Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m., September – May. We ring a 3 octave set of Malmark handbells, along with occasionally ringing a 3 octave set of hand chimes.
There is a strong core group in the Joy Bell choir, and they are very good-and very willing-to teach and lead new ringers! We always have room for anyone who would like to come and give bells a try! The ability to read music is a plus, but not a necessity. A ringer typically only has 2-4 notes/bells to ring, and picking up on where they are in the music comes pretty quickly.
This group is mostly comprised of ringers in the 9th grade and older, but we have had some 7th and 8th graders with previous music instruction ring with us as well. All that is really necessary a willingness to learn, and a heart that wants to praise God through music!
If you would like to join any of our music ministries, or have any questions, please contact Anna at