Dear Redeemer,
We unfortunately had some tragic news this week. Lila Warwick was found dead in her home on the evening of Monday, July 29th. Even more devastating was that her death was completely avoidable, as it was deemed a homicide. I’m sure many of you have been trying to process the fact that Lila will not be with us every week at worship. I am doing the same thing. It’s hard to believe that someone would take the life of this wonderful woman who cared so much about others and about her faith. You can’t help but wonder how and why God would allow something like this to happen.
I don’t have any satisfying answers to that question. I can say that the world is a sinful place, and although that’s true, it doesn’t really make us feel the least bit better about the situation. Especially for those of you who knew Lila personally, this is a better pill to swallow.
Yet, while God doesn’t give us answers to all of our questions, he does give us answers to the questions that are most important to our faith and our eternal welfare. John 16:33 [Jesus said to his desciples] “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
We are experiencing some of that trouble. We grieve over the loss of this woman of God, and yet we also have hope in the midst of our sorrow. Jesus Christ came to live, to die, and to rise again so that Lila might live eternally. We thank the Lord for how she blessed our lives, and we thank the Lord that he redeemer her, and one day will call her by name and she will rise to live eternally with Christ. We look forward to that reunion in paradise.
In Christ,
Pastor Greg Enterline